Comprehend Complexity

Get a clear understanding of just what your current ways of working are before designing in something new.

Intelligent Insight

Even the most chaotic situations are brought into a streamlined process that brings real value to your customers and your employees.

Your Solutions

You know your business — let us help put that into a living process that can grow as your company does.


We are Process Write

Documenting Processes Right!
Why choose Us?

Why choose Us.Because we get processes done.

We're not afraid of processes. We stand outside your group, see how things are done, and help you see how things can be done better. We don't impose an outside opinion: we listen to the people doing the work and help them do it better, with less churn and delay.

Why choose Us?

Our Mission.To clarify cross-functional teams.

Fuzzy thinking about cross-functional authorities is the primary cause of process failure. All too often we expect employees to just "figure it out". By explicitly naming the types of authority required to get the work done, we give you a powerful lever to increase performance and make managerial decisions.

Why choose Us?

What we Do.Work with the Culture.

Our process don't just represent industry best practices. We customize everything so that the system works with your existing culture to make it easy to get things done.

Combined Years Experience
$ Value of Processes
No. of Processes
% Satified Clients

Who We've Worked With

Our consultants have worked with companies large in small in the U.S. and abroad.

Our Team

People who bring you the value.
E. Forrest Christian

Forrest Christian

Sr. Consultant
Process designer. Author. Developer. Coach. "It will be obvious once I show you."
Dr. Chris Simmmons, PhD

Chris Simmons

Sr. Consultant
Factory owner. Film scholar. Process expert. "This doesn't have to be that hard."
Danny Fleming

Danny Fleming

Sr. Consultant
Ex-banking executive. Mainframe maven. "You have to know how to make a decision."
Jim Krajewski

Jim Krajewski

Sr. Consultant
Agile expert. Security sensei. Development process poobah. "It's not impossible: we can do it this way."

Skills we are probably the best in

Process Design
SME Interviewing

"When you create your first working cross-functional process, you take the first step towards dynamism."


What we do for you.

M&E Transition

Documenting and mergin existing processes for mergers and acquisitions.

Outsourcing Contract Start

Creating standardized processes for new outsourced departments.

Users Stories

Documenting your current and future processs for Agile software development.

Cross-Functional Process Design

Building truly usable cross-functional processes with clear authorities from the US Army's best practices.

Process Training

Teaching process fundamentals to your staff, or bringing them up to speed on the processes they create with us.

Process Audits

Check your cross-functional processes for places where you could get more leverage.

Get in Touch with us

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Our HeadquartersHickory, North Carolina, USA

Speak to Us+1 (830) 267-9370

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